martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

to tie a tie.

So, I'm not sure if this has ever happened to you before but today...
I was sitting in Linguistic class and my professor's tie caught my eye (yes, you read right
I rhymed)... ANYway -

As I looked at the tie - I began to see it in an entirely different way.
No longer was it a symbol of professionalism or power but a long
fabric lariat that hung loosely from the neck and shouted nothing
in particular through its red and blue lines and stripes.

it seemed to me that in the span of a few moments my entire taste
for ties changed drastically.

I saw them for what they really are... or are not.
Although I do believe this was influenced by the way my professor had tied his tie that morning (quite loose and rather disheveled)

However - for those of the tie loving community of men out there, there
is still hope for you yet. Ties are not all bad. In fact, ties are quite good.
To quote one anonymous cute friend:

""i have a major thing for ties. they definitely are the first thing i notice about a guy: his choice of tie. it really says a lot about a person..."" - anon leaping gazelle

So you see? Ties are quite good and sometimes stunning.
So please - if you choose to wear a tie, wear it well.
And if not?
jeans and black dress shoes work for anyone.

5 comentarios:

rachel r dijo...

stacey. ties are hot. just admit it.
-anon leaping gazelle :)

rachel r dijo...

and i was completely kidding when i said it was the first thing i noticed... i just wanted to be quoted (muahaha)

Elias21 dijo...

for the longest time i viewed the tie as a "silk noose" that our mothers tried to kill us with. but after doing debate and sound for many many weddings i started to grow fond of this noose. until i have come to the view i have now which is. if you have a good tie with a good shirt than u look GOOD but if u don't well then...

Stacey dijo...

oh rachel - i could see right through you. eliastwentyone ... i would have completely disagreed with you but on some people they just WORK

b_p_jansen dijo...

actually, thanks for the reminder. i've been thinking that i need some new ties.