martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

and then there were a very many more people
than was to be expected by the
inspiring young actress with red hair and blinded eyes. Goodbye.

6 comentarios:

Erin dijo...

can i be the redheaded actress? please?

woo shi

Lydia Jane dijo...

wanna like get in line for the audition, erin? like, for real. i will win.

(haha kidding. love you both!!)

Erin dijo...

lydia, let's take this outside.


Stacey dijo...

oh girls. woah there. i believe the original was for one of you.

and i honestly wrote a piece on the piano called for the red-headed actress. it was for one of you.
and you may fight over who it is because i will never tell but i love you both.

Jen Marie dijo...

WERE to be expected

Stacey dijo...

um jen what?